Landlords Belleview will believably be one of Europe's most spectacular buildings with respect to both it's architecture and it's location.
The following facilities will be available in the Manor:
Caretaker service.
Swimming pool with panoramic views.
Squash courts, bowling, training room and spa.
Indoor parking.
Exclusive restaurant with food delivery to flats.
Landlords Belleview has a limited number of flats and in order to preserve it's exclusiveness the building will not be subject to further expansion.
Flats will vary in size from the smallest at about 48 m2 with 2 bedrooms up to luxury flats at 150 m2 and over with usable loft space.
For those wanting something larger it will be possible to purchase two or more adjacent flats.
It will also be possible to create one's own personal interior within the constraints of the flat's four walls. Such an arrangement can be agreed on with the architect subject to an additional price.
To further preserve the building's exclusive character flat's will only be sold for self occupancy.
Landlords Belleview